To determine what loan programs you qualify for, lenders need to review your credit history and amount of available funds for down payment. Then, the maximum purchase price can be determined by reviewing your total monthly debt + the proposed housing payment as a percentage of your total gross monthly income. The acceptable percentage (Debt-to-Income ratio or DTI) will vary depending upon the specific loan program for which you apply.
We specialize in guiding you through the home loan process with personalized, professional service. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer looking for guidance on the best mortgage options, a homeowner refinancing to secure better terms, or an investor seeking to finance a property, I am here to make the process seamless. I work with a wide variety of lenders to offer you competitive rates, customized loan programs, and expert advice, tailored to your unique financial situation. My goal is to ensure that you not only get the best possible deal but also feel confident and informed throughout every step of the process. If you're looking to purchase a home, refinance, or explore other mortgage options, I’m dedicated to finding the perfect solution for you.